How it works

How to make a booking?

  • Booking is simple! Just WhatsApp us at 8767 2417
  • The game is best enjoyed with at least two people, making it perfect for team bonding, whether you're with friends, family, or colleagues. Ideal for all ages and occasions, it's great for tours, a fun day out, team-building activities, or corporate events. Playing solo is possible but less recommended, as the adventure is designed to be more engaging and enjoyable with others.
  • For the best experience, we recommend 1 person per device. Sharing a single device may become challenging when collaborating to solve puzzles as a team.

Before your game day

  • Download the app: Ensure all players download our mobile app from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store ahead of time.
  • Unlock with a PIN: Upon booking, you'll receive a unique passcode to access the app.
  • Grant permissions: Enable necessary app permissions (e.g., location, camera) to enjoy the full interactive experience. Take some time to explore the app and familiarize yourself with it.

On Your Game Day

  • Unlock the app: Use your passcode to unlock and access the game.
  • Check connectivity: Ensure your device has internet access when logging in the passcode. After that the app will work without internet access throughout the game.
  • Grant permissions: If not already done, allow permissions for location and camera for the interactive experience.
  • Head to your starting point: Physically proceed to your first station and follow the instructions in the app.

Most importantly—have fun and enjoy the adventure!

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Contact us

8767 2417 (WhatsApp)
Frequently Asked Questions